Archive for the ‘ iPhone ’ Category

Trench Run v1.4 update now available!!

v1.4 for the Trench Run has FINALLY been approved by Apple ( still making its way around the planet ).  This version fixes a major memory issue experienced by 1st Gen iPhone and 3G iPhone users.   It also has a couple of other minor fixes as well.

The one nice thing about this fix is we were able to put the nice 3Gs version of the trench into all versions of the game now – so it looks beautiful no matter what you’re playing it on 🙂

3Gs Trench

We’d been able to hand out a few copies to people who bought the app on a 3G and 1st Gen iPhone and they all reported that the game worked perfectly on their devices with the update!

So if you gave us a bad review on the app store because of the game quiting, freezing, dying on you, would you PLEASE install the update and try again?  We would REALLY appreciate the help and a positive rating if you have the time.  Apple has taken their sweet time in approving this fix, and the ratings have killed us on this one issue.  VERY VERY FRUSTRATING!

Also, I think we’ve done everything we can possibly do to service the people who spent their hard earned money on this game – and we took it a step further this time 😉

I had meant to hold on to this easter egg for a while, but since this bug cause such a problem for a many gamers out there, I’m letting this one out early to say “thank you” for your patience and time!

Easter egg:  Fly in the Millennium Falcon:

Millennium Falcon Cockpit view

Dog Fight View


*  Fly as Millennium Falcon

*  Insti-gib cannons – one shot kills/destroys.   You only get 4 blasts at a time, but one bolt destroys the object.

How do you get to it?!

click Play Now.  When you see the Death Star in the next screen, touch the Death Star’s cannon area (inset circle area when the big bad laser comes out).  Now play as the Millennium Falcon 😉

OH and PS> if you’re a supposed iPhone app reviewer, please try the game in JEDI mode and adjust the sensitivity ( you know, because, it’d probably PLAY better ) – OH and don’t forget to try the ARCADE MODES which make game play infinitely longer…just a request 😉

I couldn’t have said it better

The app store process is crazy. If you’ve developed iPhone apps and have submitted them for the store, you know exactly what I mean.

Even worse, if you’ve discovered a critical bug in your release, a fix can take 4-8 weeks AND can be rejected. Essentially, this flies in the face of what we’ve become accustomed to in the last 10+ years of software development and deployment.

I remember buying a Diamond Stealth card, only to install it and have my favorite game crash ( Descent 1 ). I read through a BBS that there was a fix if you called the company. I called, they sent me 2 disks in the mail. I remember praying that the disks would not be corrupted by the mail system xray machines or someone putting the mail bag next to a huge magnet. It took 2 weeks to get those disks.

Since then, we got this new thing called the “internet”, don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but it makes getting fixes pushed out to the users an “instant” experience.  And as such, developers have adopted a “launch fast and iterate” development cycle that we’ve all become accustomed to.  If a game gets pushed out because of budget and some bugs are missed, we’re used to it.  We, as users, have adopted and accepted that a fix is coming.  In fact, we’re HAPPIER as users for not having to wait forever for the next version of a game or a new title.  Trust me, I’m happier 😉

Case in point:  Duke Nukem3D.  Arguably one of the coolest games I ever loved.  I think if 3D realms had adopted this approach with the next version, we as fans might have actually been able to play and enjoy it.  As it is, I got sick of waiting, voiced my displeasure on the 3D Realms forums and never looked back.  I still have no idea if they ever released it after all these years.

Apple has essentially placed themselves in-between a developer and their users – even at the updates level.  So, as this article says – How would apple like it if they had a bug in OSX, but had to wait 4-8 weeks for approval by a 3rd party?

yeah, they’d be pissed off too.

Check out out:

Star Wars Trench Run – FIXED for 2G/3G iPhones

For those of you who bought Trench Run and ran it on a 3G device, you might have had some of the problems I listed in the last post.  Essentially, it was a memory issue.

We’ve been up late working on fixing the issue, and we finally found some white elephants in the app to kill off that brought the memory not only under 4omb’s (which is ideal for an iphone app) but we brought it down into the low 3o’s.

It now runs VERY well on a not only a 3G iPhone, but now works JUST as well on a 2G (1st gen) iPhone!!  I installed and played it on my 1st gen iPhone tonight and it was very smooth.

We’re testing internally tonight, and we’ve asked some of the people who purchased the app but entered negative reviews because of the 3G performance to help us test the app.  We were able to reach out to a few people who made the purchase to help us out and let them know – we’re not here to steal anyone’s money, we’re here to make a kick ass Star Wars game 😉


And to make it up to all of you who will be waiting patiently for the 1.1 update in the app store, I’m going to reveal ONE of the easter egg ships (Darth Vader’s ship).

instructions>controls – touch where it says “toggle cockpit”  – play 😉

I know that can’t make up for being frustrated initially, but hopefully, you guys will give it another chance and enjoy flying as Darth 😉  The 1.1 update will be well worth the wait, I promise!

********* UPDATE  **********

This is feedback from one of the users on a 1st Gen iPhone (8gig) – he originally purchased and it was unplayable:

the difference is night and day. I made sure to NOT restart the phone and played with both music and sound enabled to get a sense of things. Not sure if there’s something specific you all are looking for, but barring that, here are my notes after 2 sessions totaling close to an hour of game play:

– opening video plays much smoother

– loading screens on the order of 5x faster (not scientific, but the difference is dramatic)

– very, very slight lag when tie fighters explode
– no lag during general flight or when firing and missing

trench levels:
– overall, very smooth
– controls more responsive, playback less jerky
– slight jerkiness returns when vader shows up (still very playable)
– videos when you fail/win are both smooth

– exiting to the home screen is cleaner (music doesn’t continue to play for several seconds anymore)

Star Wars Trench Run on 3G Devices

I’m posting this here just incase someone does a search on google for an answer 😉

Many users with 3G devices have tried to play the Trench Run and have had the app crash or become un-responsive for them.  There are a couple of quick things you can do to fix it and get up and running:

1.  Reboot your device.  With all of the other apps and games you’ve had open before installing Trench Run, there’s not enough room.  A reboot will likely fix the issue.

2.  Turn off Music.  yeah, this sucks cause it’s the original score, BUT, at least you’ll be able to bag those baddies.

If you’re wondering why the Trench on the 3G looks different than the screenshots and videos you’ve seen, it’s because we created a special version with hardly any geometry and no lightmaps.  This helped performance on the 3G quite a bit.  The 2nd Gen iTouch and 3Gs phones enjoy shader and geometry that are not able to run on a 3G device.

We’re also putting in allot of effort to optimize performance on the 3G devices at the time of this post.  So rest assured, we’ll do our best to bring you the best experience we possibly can!


Star Wars Trench Run: Approved

We just got word that the Trench Run game was approved by Apple!

Click here to get it on iTunes

To celebrate, how about a few extra screenshots you haven’t seen yet?  Enjoy 😉

Star Wars Trench Run iPhone Game – FINALLY

Well, its been a very VERY long time incoming, but it’s finally here – The Trench Run game!

This was something I’d story boarded some 6+yrs ago and thanks to some very good friends of mine (Chris Allen, Rebecca Smith Allen and Dominick Accattato) I was able to realize a goal that I’d set for myself along time ago.  Chris worked alot of hours for the past couple of years trying to sell the project and finally, it all just clicked.  So, I have to first say a big huge fat thankyou to he, Rebecca and Dominick for sticking their necks out for this project.   LOVE YOU GUYS VERY MUCH!

The game is released through THQ Wireless inc. and was created by Infrared5 with me, Todd Anderson, Keith Peters, Andy Zupko, Rebecca Smith Allen, Chris Allen, Dominic Accattato, Paul Gregoire, Kasey Jordan, Lizzie Martin and Ben Throop.  It should be showing up in Apple’s app store shortly.  It covers the battle of Yavin from the first Star Wars movie  (IV), including a dog fight portion of the game.  We added arcade modes for both dog fighting and the trench run so you can see how many levels you can stand before getting blasted into oblivion!

I really spent alot of time on attention to details for this game.  Things like the music – you’ll note that the music in the DogFight scene IS the music from that scene in the movie.  Same for the trench sections.  The cockpit views are literally taken from the original 1977 movie.  All colors of the lasers, markings on ships, details are all as close to the movie as possible.

My goal for this game from day one was simple:  Speed.  I was always REALLY disappointed in the speed of other Trench Run games.  You’d get into the trench, expect to feel what you saw in the movie, and then it was pathetically slow.  So, from nearly 1993 when they came out with X-Wing, I think I was already plotting this game out 😉

I do hope the hardcore StarWars fans enjoy the game – it really was for them!  I know it’s an iPhone game on a small device, but I was seriously blown away with how much power it really has and what I was able to pull off with it.

The Trench

Dog Fight With Darth Vader

So, to wrap up, I’ve been silent on just about every social network app you can think of and haven’t blogged very much in the past 4 months – but it was all worth it.  I apologize for not putting much out here lately, but trust me when I say, I’ll be changing that with some insights, tricks/tips and stuff from this projects experience.  I’d dedicated myself to this project completely and I hope the final product reflects that dedication.

Now…what twitter app I using 4months ago… 😉

Speaking at UNITE 2009 – Oct 27th

Well, UNITE 2009 will be the first conference I’m speaking at that’s not about flash – kinda crazy!

Unity has devoted an entire day (October 27th) for Flash 3D people who are interested in checking out Unity3D.  So, they’ve lined me, Paul Tondeur ( co-author of Papervision3D essentials book ) and Mauricio Longoni to speak/teach.

I’ll be covering Papervision3D > Unity3D topics in my first session (which is right after the opening session).  I’m really looking forward to this session because I think people will be blown away at how easy it really is to adopt Unity3D into their toolset of options for 3D on the web.  I’ll be covering alot of the foundational stuff like scripting, Unity IDE, GameObject vs DisplayObject3D, 3D modeling and texture considerations vs both technologies etc.

I’ll then have the last hour of the day to unveil the latest game we’ve been developing for THQ wireless inc. and Lucas Films ltd.  I’ll be walking you through a bit of an over view from what it was in Flash as a prototype, how it translated in Unity3D for the iPhone and finally – porting it from a Unity iPhone app to a Unity web app.  It was an unbelievably awesome experience using Unity for this project!

Hope to see you guys there – and hey, leave a comment here if you’re going to be at the conference

new iPhone game: SWITCH!

Finally, SWITCH! has been approved and is now available for free in the app store!


Change to my Session at FOT

It was a year ago when i’d put up my description for my Session at Flash on Tap and I’d really intended just to follow through with that, but now that we’re getting much closer to the actual event, I think my topic is really not in sync with what I’v been working with in the past 6+ months.

So, I’m going to be covering the development crossovers between Papervision/actionscript3, to Unity3D/Javascript, to iPhone 3D gaming.  I’ll be showing the differences and similarities between Papervsion and Unity3D and talk about the caveats to iPhone 3D gaming with its abilities and limitations.  I’ll also being showing the Unity3D IDE,  features and workflow.

Stunt Bike iPhone game in Unity3D IDE

Stunt Bike running on iPhone

Many of the issues we deal with in Papervision3D are applicable to the iPhone 3D gaming development.  With Unity as a middle man for development, I think there’s plenty to talk about 😉

Hope to see many of you there!