NEW: Papervision3D Component 2.1

I’ve just posted the latest version of the component for the Flash IDE:

It’s been a long long wait and I’ve been handing the component out at Flash conferences and classes that I’ve taught, but was waiting for Flash CS4 to be fixed to work with my component.  CS4 has alot of known issues with components, Adobe is well aware of the issues that cause my component not to work and I’m sure it’ll be fixed down the road sometime.

So for now, the component will only work in Flash CS3 IDE.

New Features and bug fixes:

1.  new Materials panel – now you can deal with your materials through this panel that Andy Zupko added oh so long ago 😉

2.  Code Templates:  I’ve put in 2 templates for writing code against the component all flushed out with all the event listeners etc.

3.  Many bugs fixed

Thanks all, and enjoy!


  1. thanks for the update – this is awesome.

    • makc
    • August 10th, 2009

    did you open any bugs at adobe jira that we can vote for?

    • No, they already know about it 😉 The vote would be for “fix CS4’s support for components”!

        • makc
        • August 12th, 2009

        yeah but I sort of expected to read juicy details in the bug report 🙂

    • dim
    • August 10th, 2009

    incredible – thanks a lot

    • danny
    • August 11th, 2009

    Hey John,

    I was wondering what issues you were having with CS4 components. I recently was dealing with a few but glad to say I found workarounds.

    • André
    • August 12th, 2009

    I always create components in flash CS4 and all of them works very well… maybe you´re forgetting to wrap something… the only bug i´ve noticed in CS4 is when your OS language is different of the flash language, if you double click the component to install it will not list in flash, you need to open flash, goto help menu them extension manager, it will open the extension manager in the same language of flash, not the same language of the OS… i´ve made a component that creates code hints for AS3, and it works only for flash CS4…

    • it’s not on *my* end this time, it’s a confirmed bug with the IDE not updating the stage. My component relies on being able to get the 5 EnterFrame events that are afforded a component so that I can make visual updates. That feature is broken and therefore, so is my component in CS4

        • makc
        • August 12th, 2009

        what about timeouts?

        • danny
        • August 12th, 2009

        Are you talking about live preview updates ?

  2. yeah, i’m trying to remember back as it’s been a while but essentially, it had to do with the updates on the IDE Stage. In cs3, you were given 5 EnterFrame events to do your work and update the stage. In CS4, the updating of the stage or those events or both got lost. It’s been awhile since I worked on it, so I’m a little foggy on the details. Sorry about that.

      • danny
      • August 12th, 2009

      The gist of livePreview is that you have to extend fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent, overwrite the onLoad or onUpdate functions, and make sure you have only one movieclip on the stage.

      With CS4 since fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent isn’t available, just copy that file from CS3 locally and import it that way. However you will notice that overwriting onUpdate won’t work. You will also notice that onUpdate sets the values of the changed Component Inspector properties onto that one movieClip on the stage. So if you just write setters for those properties in that movieClip you can intercept and do what you need. Don’t bother writing traces during debug because they won’t show/fire.

      Hackish, but gets the job done untill a fix is released

      Hope that helps (wasted many hours of trial and error)

        • danny
        • August 12th, 2009

        correction: ‘overwrite the onLoad or onUpdate functions’ –> ‘overwrite the onResize or onUpdate functions’

  3. wow thanks very much Danny! I might ping you about some of this later if that’s ok?

    I actually have a modified version of LivePreviewParent for my purposes since it sets properties not in any order. So I set a flag when it’s setting and when it’s done so that I can THEN update PV3D. It’s definately hackish but it worked in CS3 just fine. I hated it, but it worked.

      • danny
      • August 12th, 2009

      Sure, glad that my sweat and tears may help someone else 🙂

    • André
    • August 20th, 2009

    So… got it working for CS4?

    • no, unfortunately, i’m working on a tight deadline and have zero time to put in right now

  4. Hi,
    I want to use the interactive3D class, but after I have added the SWC to my Project I am unable to view that class in my project, also I was unable to locate that class anywhere in the source code. could you please help me in locating what I am missing?


  5. i love papervision3d

  6. papervision3d this is what I sought:)

    • Mauricio
    • November 25th, 2009

    Please help me, how to add texture by a panel of material you have some tutorial, since the new version of PV3d Component not have any material linkage in the material list….

    • Mauricio
    • November 26th, 2009

    How to add texture in PV3d component 2.1 …?

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